Thursday 31 May 2012

Impact of Weight-loss Diet on Kidney Function in Obese Population - An Interview | MedIndia

Impact of Weight-loss Diet on Kidney Function in Obese Population - An Interview | MedIndia

Dr. Allon N Friedman, Nephrologist offers additional information on the recent study on the impact of weight-loss dietary intervention on kidney function In obese population


Presbycusis | Medindia

Presbycusis | Medindia.

 Presbycusis (presby = elder, cusis = hearing) is the loss of hearing that gradually occurs in most individuals as they grow old. Everyone who lives long enough will develop some degree of presbycusis, some sooner than others. Those who damage their ears
from loud noise exposure will develop it sooner. It is estimated that 40-50 percent of people 75 and older have some degree of hearing loss


Pick The Right Cheese | Medindia

Pick The Right Cheese | Medindia

Cheddar Cheese, cheese types, calcium and protein rich foods, fat content of cheese, dairy product, medindia.The bacteria digest milk sugar (lactose), producing lactic acid, which separates the solids from the liquid in milk. A soft curd is formed, leaving the whey, which is drained off.


Smartphone Face – Can You Still Keep Your Chin Up? | MedIndia

Smartphone Face – Can You Still Keep Your Chin Up? | MedIndia

 The use of smartphones may result in drooping jawlines and double chins as facial skin and muscles lose elasticity and begin to sag.


Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)-Causes-Risk Factors-Diagnosis-Treatment | Medindia

Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)-Causes-Risk Factors-Diagnosis-Treatment | Medindia

 AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD) is a disease associated with ageing. It is a degenerative condition that affects the macula and causes gradual loss of central vision

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Advantages of Eating Fish Foods - Health Benefits | Medindia

Advantages of Eating Fish Foods - Health Benefits | Medindia

Discover the health advantages of eating fish.Researchers worldwide have discovered that eating fish regularly - one or two servings weekly - may reduce the risk of diseases ranging from childhood asthma to prostate cancer.Fish is low in fat, high in protein and an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids.

Type 2 Diabetes - Risk Factors - Symptoms

Type 2 Diabetes - Risk Factors - Symptoms

 Globalization and changing lifestyles has made diabetes very common in developing countries so much so that India is known as the Diabetes Capital of the World.

Quiz on Antidepressants


The use of antidepressants is quite common with an increase in the stress-related depression of the modern world. Test your knowledge on antidepressants by taking this quiz.

Quiz on Antidepressants  

Adreno Cortical Carcinoma - Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

Adreno Cortical Carcinoma - Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare but aggressive form of cancer that affects the outer cortex  layer of the adrenals situated atop the kidneys.The cortex has several important functions such as producing adrenaline, nor adrenaline and steroid hormones besides controlling heart beat rate and blood pressure.

TB Drugs Preservation and Dosage Record With MIT-Designed Cooler | MedIndia

TB Drugs Preservation and Dosage Record With MIT-Designed Cooler | MedIndia

 The novel cooler could facilitate people to encounter antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis.Tuberculosis, currently under control to a great extent in the developed world still is a major cause of death in most parts of Africa, Asia and South America. The spread of multidrug-resistant strains of TB has slowed progress against the devastating disease, which is estimated to strike more than 10 million people annually.


Treatment Options for Vitiligo | MedIndia

Treatment Options for Vitiligo | MedIndia

 Vitiligo is a skin disorder that is characterized by a loss of pigment from skin causing patches on the skin. It negatively affects the overall personality and self esteem of an individual.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Drugs - FDA Approvals in 2012| Medindia

Drugs - FDA Approvals in 2012| Medindia

Section deals with the comprehensive list of drugs approved by FDA in 2012. Drug information includes the drug name and indication of use.

Red Ribbon Express Spills Awareness at Platform II | MedIndia

Red Ribbon Express Spills Awareness at Platform II | MedIndia

 The Red Ribbon Express comes to chennai for a two-day event generating awareness among people, in most delightful manner possible.


Indacaterol (Arcapta Neohaler) Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Indacaterol (Arcapta Neohaler) Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

 Indacaterol generic is a long-acting beta-agonist bronchodilator, prescribed for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms.

Excessive Internet Usage is a Sign of Depression | MedIndia

Excessive Internet Usage is a Sign of Depression | MedIndia

 A new study conducted on internet users revealed that the time spent surfing the web by a person can be used to gauge his/her stress levels.


Ranking of States In India by Population - 2011 | medindia

Ranking of States In India by Population - 2011 | medindia

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India has brought out a publication, detailing the Ranking of States by Population Size of the country.

Family Planning Programme In India - 2011| Medindia

Family Planning Programme In India - 2011| Medindia

 Family planning is a practice to monitor the population growth. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in India has brought out a publication, detailing the family planning program.

Monday 28 May 2012

Neurology - Drugs| Medindia

Neurology - Drugs| Medindia

FDA approved prescription drugs commonly used to treat  brain and nerve diseases.


Ophthalmology - Drugs| Medindia

Ophthalmology - Drugs| Medindia
FDA approved prescription drugs commonly used to treat eye conditions and eye diseases.

OB/GYN (Obstetrics and Gynecology) - Drugs| Medindia

OB/GYN (Obstetrics and Gynecology) - Drugs| Medindia

 FDA approved prescription drugs commonly used to treat ob/gyn disorders, including vaginal infections, dysmenorrheal, menopause, HRT, oral contraceptives, endometriosis, infertility, labor, delivery.

Addison’s Disease-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-Causes–Diagnosis-Treatment–Complications-FAQ | Medindia

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-Causes–Diagnosis-Treatment–Complications-FAQ | Medindia

 ARDS is a lung condition where the patient suffers from sudden breathlessness, low blood oxygen levels and lung inflammation that could progress to respiratory failure.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome 

Acute Renal Failure-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Complications-Prognosis | Medindia

Acute Renal Failure-Causes-Symptoms-Diagnosis-Treatment-Complications-Prognosis | Medindia

 Acute renal failure is abrupt loss of the capacity of the kidneys to concentrate urine, expel wastes and conserve electrolytes.

Acute Renal Failure 

Acute Radiation Syndrome / Acute Radiation Sickness - Symptoms - Treatment - FAQ | Medindia

Acute Radiation Syndrome / Acute Radiation Sickness - Symptoms - Treatment - FAQ | Medindia

 Acute radiation syndrome occurs when a person is exposed to a high dose of external penetrating radiation within a short time.

 Acute Radiation Syndrome 

Thursday 24 May 2012

Acute Bronchitis - Causes - Diagnosis - Learn More - FAQs - Video | Medindia

Acromegaly-Causes-Symptoms-Complications-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

Acromegaly-Causes-Symptoms-Complications-Diagnosis-Treatment-Prognosis | Medindia

 Acromegaly (Greek-enlargements of the extremities) is a hormonal disorder resulting from excessive production of the growth hormone by the pituitary gland after puberty, often referred as gigantism.


Omeprazole and Domperidone Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Omeprazole and Domperidone Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Omeprazole and Domperidone generic  contains a proton pump inhibitor and antidopaminergic agent, prescribed for ulcers, indigestion and acid stomach.

Dicycloverine Hydrochloride Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Calcium Dobesilate Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Calcium Dobesilate Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Latest prescription information about Calcium Dobesilate. Learn how to pronounce the drug’s name, its indications, dosage, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, its storage instructions and warnings if any when taken during pregnancy. Also listed are the International and Indian trade name(s) of the drug and its price list.

Simethicone (Alka-Seltzer Anti-Gas) Drug Information - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions | Medindia

Sleep Longer to Prevent Weight Gain | MedIndia

Sleep Longer to Prevent Weight Gain | Med India

 The epidemic of obesity is a global concern. Wrong eating and sedentary behavior are obesity-causing factors. There exists a relationship between propensity of gaining weight and lack of proper sleep.

Sleep Longer to Prevent Weight Gain

Thursday 17 May 2012

Allergy - Symptom Evaluation

An allergic reaction may be mild or severe.  It usually involves the skin, respiratory system, eyes, digestive system or blood pressure.

Allergy Symptom Evaluation